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Rivaldi / Shield / 21

Senin, 24 April 2017

Type of Studying

                There are 2 types of people in learning. Some students prefer to study alone, but other student prefer to study with others in a group. Both types of learning have advantages and disadvantages. With study alone we can focus more than on group learning, but with group learning we can exchange ideas and prevent boredom. Each person has their own way to learning, In this article I will discuss both types of learning which is often used by people.

                The advantage from study alone is we can focus more on learning, when you study alone there is no other topic we can discuss with others so we must be focus. The other advantage is study time is more flexible, because we do not need to match the schedule with others. The next advantage is we are not disturbed by anything else, sometime when study in a group we often gossip others and instead go to somewhere for search food and go around. The last advantage in this paragraph is the result of learning is more maximal, so we can easily got a great score.

                The advantage from group study is if we don't understand the lesson we can ask our friend so our friends can teach us. The next advantage is we dont get bored when studying because when we can tell something else to our friends. The other advantages is we can work together in doing home work so the home work can be completed easily. The last advantage in this paragraph is if we have a low score at school, our friends will help you to get a better score.

                 I have a solution that can take advantage of both. If you want to learn in a group, keep the number of person not more than 3 so you still can consentrate well and we can more easily match the schedule with others. If you prefer to study alone, you better invite private tutoring teacher so you can understand the material that you don't understand at school. I think invite private tutoring teacher is the best solution beacuse we more easily to understand the material. 

            The conclusion is the type of learning depends on each person. Everyone has his or her own way of learning. For the example, I am is an "kinesthetic" person so i prever to study alone because i only can learn by listen my own voice. If i learn with other people, it will be disturbed others. If i learn in a group i have difficulty to heard my own voice so i can't study well. Last of all, Each person have their own way to study easily, not everyone has the same way to study. All we need to do is find our best way to study so we can get a good score. 

Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

My Dream University

                 My Dream univerisity is Prasetya Mulya University. This University located in Jakarta. Prasetya Mulya University was established in 1982 by 70 national enterpreneurs above Prasetya Mulya Company. Prasetya Mulya name itself is inspired by the Sanskrit word meaning "precious promises". Prasetya Mulya university located in BSD Housing Complex , Edutown No. 1 . My reason to study at Prasetya Mulya is this university located in Jakarta so it's easy for my family to visit me at least each 2 months. I have sister that also studied in Prasetya Mulya and my sister suggest me to lecture in here. I also have extended family in Jakarta because my father comes from Jakarta. It's located in Jakarta for me Jakarta is the best place for study and have fun with my friend. Prasetiya mulya produced many successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia today so i interested to study there.

               The subject that i will take is bussines management, The reason why is take that subject is both of my parents are business man and business woman. I want to continue my parents jobs. I think became a businessman is interesting and better than the other jobs. After I finished my study, I will make my own business. I hope i can run my own business without frustating my parents and can live with my money. I will work wholeheartedly so I can be successful and make my parents proud me.  I hope my place, Semarang, have better economies. I will make enterpreneur is Semarang to always honest so economic activities in Semarang can run smoothly. After I succes, I will help people in need. My company will donate some money to people in need. With that i can make Semarang go forward. I hope others enterpreneur will do the same as i do, with that we can advance our county, Indonesia.

                   To achieve my dreams, i must study seriously and pray that He always accompanies me throughout my life journey because my success is not just because of the result of my efforts but because of His grace, without Him i can't success.

Kamis, 08 September 2016

My Journey To Garut - Jakarta

On last idul fitri holiday, Me and my family had went to Garut and Jakarta. We went to Garut by car. I left Semarang at 8 o’clock. We had stopped in Pekalongan before We went to Jakarta.We stopped in pekalongan to visit our Grandma because road to Jakarta past Pekalongan so we decided to stop in Grandma House. We continued our trip at 12 o’clock. Finally, We had arrived on Garut at 9 o’clock. All the way we have so many traffic jam. We had breakfast in restaurant until 12 am, after that we checked in to the Kamoejang Hotel. In the hotel we are fall asleep because tired on the road. After rest, me and my brother play canoe around the lake, The hotel is located in the middle of the lake so we can play canoe as our transportation from lobby in to the hotel room. In the hotel, we had played canoe until 5 o’clok. We had dinner and take a rest.

On the second day, We had gone to kawah kamoejang. Kawah Kamojang is a crater that located near the hotel, it’s only take 15 minutes by car. In that crater, we can see so many smoke and we can smell sulfur. We can see “kawah kereta api” on that crater. After we had played in the crater, we went back to hotel. On the third day we just in the hotel played canoe everytime with my brother. My hand hurted so we stop playing canoe. We move to the other hotel that located more high than first hotel, in the second hotel is more cold and more beuatifull view of the hill. The concept of Sampireun Hotel is same, the hotel is located  in the middle of the lake, sadly I can’t play the canoe because my hand still hurt. Sampireun Hotel is more good than Kamoejang because in Sampireun Hotel the view is more nature, we also can feed the fish with fish pellets that provided by the hotel. 

After 3 day in Sampireun Hotel, We went to Jakarta, In Jakarta we stay overnight in Grand Mercure Hotel. We had arrived in the hotel before we went to AEON Mall Serpong for dinner, I buy so many sushi because in AEON have so many sushi store. We also had bought so many Giordano tsirt because of idul fitri  discount. On the next day we went to dufan. In dufan, I played so many rides. I really like korakora I played korakora until 6 times. I just play with my little brother and my sister because my parent are afraid. I  had played so many rides in dufan. After tired playing in dufan, we go back to hotel and we had dinner in the restaurant, My family in Jakarta had met us in this restaurant. We spent time with talk and jokes, at 9 o’clock my family go back to hotel and we are take a rest. On the next day I join my mom went to Mangga 2 Plaza, I never went to Mangga 2, I think mangga 2 is like traditional market, but Mangga 2 is more better than I expected, Mangga 2 is clean and cold, The price in Mangga 2 is very cheap but We all know that the quality of the product is bad. We spent so many time bought so many things in Mangga 2 until afternoon. We goback to hotel, our car becomes very narrow because that groceries. We went back to hotel. I had brushed my teeth before I took a shower. After that is slept.

Tomorrow is our last day in Jakarta, We had dropped my sister to the boarding house. Our road to Semarang is very smooth, Finaaly I arrived in Semarang.


Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

" Now You See Me 2 " Movie Review

                 I'm going to make a movie review of Now You See Me 2, Which was released in 10 June 2016, Now You See Me 2 is produced by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Bobby Cohen. Production Company is K/O Paper Product, Lionsgate, Summit Entertainment and directed by Jon Chu.

                 The rating of Now You See Me 2 is 4.9/5 on europe. Now You See Me 2 is tell about the magicians group called The Four Horsement. The group member are Daniel Atlas, Merritt McKinney, Jack Wilder, and the new member is Lula. The Four Horsement already hide from the police (FBI) in 1 years long. Henley Reeves has lost and Dylan Rodes find the women magicians that can change her ,named Lula. The Four Horsement want to be appear again to public with hacking the selular phone that contain human privacy. In here we can see so many special effect from Daniel atlas, he can change from food waitress, turned to the organizers, then turned to the security guard. From here FBI know that Dylan Rhodes is the member of The Four Horsement. After some special effect and amazing scene , finally come person named Walter Mabry. He is a ruler who then managed to trap technology The Four Horsemen and force them to commit acts of theft is almost impossible to do. The Four Horsemen have a mission to steal chips from a high-security laboratory. With many's security officer, it was almost impossible they could do it. The chip is planned to be smuggled out of the laboratory with a stick in a card. These four people with ease against the fundamental principles of natural law, transfer the card from one shoe to shoe to another, from one sleeve to sleeve the other, from one pair of pants to another. In here The Four Horsement use so many amazing trick to deceive the security of that labolatorium. Finaly they sucess and steal that chip. Walter Marby target the Four Horsement to gift that cip to them. Walter Marby hurt them until they give it to him. Finally on the Marby's plane they are fight. Marby have so many bodyguard which can defeat The Four Horsement, But, they can do many trick to deceive Marby. Finally Marby get that chip and he so happy, Marby throw The Four Horsement out from the plane. From there so many trick are played. The Four Horsement have plan to trap Marby. The plane doesn't fly, it's just in the hangar so when Marby throw them, they just fall in to the floor, not death. The Four Horsement trick that plane to the crowded place. Finally it's moved, and Marby show in the middle of many people. FBI caught Marby and his dad because Marby is big mafia. At the end of story The Four Horsement disapear and FBI can't found them. The Four Horsement hide in the fancy island that so isolated so FBI can't find them.

My opinion about this film is amazing. The story tell completely but sometimes i don't understand well because it's complicated movie. The story line is perfect, it's a dificult storyline but this film is packed well. The trick and special effect are very great and fully edited trick. The editing od the movie was very great so the fim doesn't look edited.

 This film is recomended for family, but it's also an adult movie because it's have kiss scene sometimes. Now You See Me 2 aldso funny. The picture quality is great and the view point of camera is great. So many trick in this movie that was amazing. The moral value is we can't judge the people by they outside like The Four Horsement. He do the "Criminal Thing" to catch the real villain.

Name :    Rivaldi
Class :Shield /21

Trailer :


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