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Rivaldi / Shield / 21

Kamis, 08 September 2016

My Journey To Garut - Jakarta

On last idul fitri holiday, Me and my family had went to Garut and Jakarta. We went to Garut by car. I left Semarang at 8 o’clock. We had stopped in Pekalongan before We went to Jakarta.We stopped in pekalongan to visit our Grandma because road to Jakarta past Pekalongan so we decided to stop in Grandma House. We continued our trip at 12 o’clock. Finally, We had arrived on Garut at 9 o’clock. All the way we have so many traffic jam. We had breakfast in restaurant until 12 am, after that we checked in to the Kamoejang Hotel. In the hotel we are fall asleep because tired on the road. After rest, me and my brother play canoe around the lake, The hotel is located in the middle of the lake so we can play canoe as our transportation from lobby in to the hotel room. In the hotel, we had played canoe until 5 o’clok. We had dinner and take a rest.

On the second day, We had gone to kawah kamoejang. Kawah Kamojang is a crater that located near the hotel, it’s only take 15 minutes by car. In that crater, we can see so many smoke and we can smell sulfur. We can see “kawah kereta api” on that crater. After we had played in the crater, we went back to hotel. On the third day we just in the hotel played canoe everytime with my brother. My hand hurted so we stop playing canoe. We move to the other hotel that located more high than first hotel, in the second hotel is more cold and more beuatifull view of the hill. The concept of Sampireun Hotel is same, the hotel is located  in the middle of the lake, sadly I can’t play the canoe because my hand still hurt. Sampireun Hotel is more good than Kamoejang because in Sampireun Hotel the view is more nature, we also can feed the fish with fish pellets that provided by the hotel. 

After 3 day in Sampireun Hotel, We went to Jakarta, In Jakarta we stay overnight in Grand Mercure Hotel. We had arrived in the hotel before we went to AEON Mall Serpong for dinner, I buy so many sushi because in AEON have so many sushi store. We also had bought so many Giordano tsirt because of idul fitri  discount. On the next day we went to dufan. In dufan, I played so many rides. I really like korakora I played korakora until 6 times. I just play with my little brother and my sister because my parent are afraid. I  had played so many rides in dufan. After tired playing in dufan, we go back to hotel and we had dinner in the restaurant, My family in Jakarta had met us in this restaurant. We spent time with talk and jokes, at 9 o’clock my family go back to hotel and we are take a rest. On the next day I join my mom went to Mangga 2 Plaza, I never went to Mangga 2, I think mangga 2 is like traditional market, but Mangga 2 is more better than I expected, Mangga 2 is clean and cold, The price in Mangga 2 is very cheap but We all know that the quality of the product is bad. We spent so many time bought so many things in Mangga 2 until afternoon. We goback to hotel, our car becomes very narrow because that groceries. We went back to hotel. I had brushed my teeth before I took a shower. After that is slept.

Tomorrow is our last day in Jakarta, We had dropped my sister to the boarding house. Our road to Semarang is very smooth, Finaaly I arrived in Semarang.


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