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Rivaldi / Shield / 21

Senin, 24 April 2017

Type of Studying

                There are 2 types of people in learning. Some students prefer to study alone, but other student prefer to study with others in a group. Both types of learning have advantages and disadvantages. With study alone we can focus more than on group learning, but with group learning we can exchange ideas and prevent boredom. Each person has their own way to learning, In this article I will discuss both types of learning which is often used by people.

                The advantage from study alone is we can focus more on learning, when you study alone there is no other topic we can discuss with others so we must be focus. The other advantage is study time is more flexible, because we do not need to match the schedule with others. The next advantage is we are not disturbed by anything else, sometime when study in a group we often gossip others and instead go to somewhere for search food and go around. The last advantage in this paragraph is the result of learning is more maximal, so we can easily got a great score.

                The advantage from group study is if we don't understand the lesson we can ask our friend so our friends can teach us. The next advantage is we dont get bored when studying because when we can tell something else to our friends. The other advantages is we can work together in doing home work so the home work can be completed easily. The last advantage in this paragraph is if we have a low score at school, our friends will help you to get a better score.

                 I have a solution that can take advantage of both. If you want to learn in a group, keep the number of person not more than 3 so you still can consentrate well and we can more easily match the schedule with others. If you prefer to study alone, you better invite private tutoring teacher so you can understand the material that you don't understand at school. I think invite private tutoring teacher is the best solution beacuse we more easily to understand the material. 

            The conclusion is the type of learning depends on each person. Everyone has his or her own way of learning. For the example, I am is an "kinesthetic" person so i prever to study alone because i only can learn by listen my own voice. If i learn with other people, it will be disturbed others. If i learn in a group i have difficulty to heard my own voice so i can't study well. Last of all, Each person have their own way to study easily, not everyone has the same way to study. All we need to do is find our best way to study so we can get a good score. 

Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

My Dream University

                 My Dream univerisity is Prasetya Mulya University. This University located in Jakarta. Prasetya Mulya University was established in 1982 by 70 national enterpreneurs above Prasetya Mulya Company. Prasetya Mulya name itself is inspired by the Sanskrit word meaning "precious promises". Prasetya Mulya university located in BSD Housing Complex , Edutown No. 1 . My reason to study at Prasetya Mulya is this university located in Jakarta so it's easy for my family to visit me at least each 2 months. I have sister that also studied in Prasetya Mulya and my sister suggest me to lecture in here. I also have extended family in Jakarta because my father comes from Jakarta. It's located in Jakarta for me Jakarta is the best place for study and have fun with my friend. Prasetiya mulya produced many successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia today so i interested to study there.

               The subject that i will take is bussines management, The reason why is take that subject is both of my parents are business man and business woman. I want to continue my parents jobs. I think became a businessman is interesting and better than the other jobs. After I finished my study, I will make my own business. I hope i can run my own business without frustating my parents and can live with my money. I will work wholeheartedly so I can be successful and make my parents proud me.  I hope my place, Semarang, have better economies. I will make enterpreneur is Semarang to always honest so economic activities in Semarang can run smoothly. After I succes, I will help people in need. My company will donate some money to people in need. With that i can make Semarang go forward. I hope others enterpreneur will do the same as i do, with that we can advance our county, Indonesia.

                   To achieve my dreams, i must study seriously and pray that He always accompanies me throughout my life journey because my success is not just because of the result of my efforts but because of His grace, without Him i can't success.

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